Venus usually stays in each sign for about a month. This year it will be in the sign Cancer from July 31 through August 25.
Here are 5 things Venus in Cancer can enhance in your life:
1.) Creativity – Since Cancer is a cardinal sign our creativity levels soar while Venus is traveling through it. We should definitely take advantage of this time!
2.) Strength – The sign Cancer may seem mushy, but it’s not. It is a strong, emotional sign. While Venus is there it is easier for us to tighten bonds with other people. To be able to relate with compassion and sympathy takes a sturdy solid character.
3.) Pleasure in Gardening -The sign Cancer likes to prod things into growing. Achieving flourishing blossoms of color makes us feel accomplished!
4.) Cooking -Venus likes all beings to be well fed with tempting luscious foods.
5.) Play – Cancer is a water sign, meaning that it is emotional. Getting someone to smile and laugh gives us a great feeling of wellbeing while Venus is in Cancer.