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Calendar for January, 2025. Individual day’s horoscopes in written and video forms.
**** Color of the Day, Word of the Day ****
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The configuration of the planets for our new year is that Mars is a leading force. This is the planet that rules our energy and how we spend our time. So, today and throughout this year we will strive to fill the empty spaces of our lives through physical activity and making the most efficient use of our time. Mars is also in opposition Pluto, the force that shows how we transform things to fit into our lives. Mars wants us to charge ahead, and Pluto will create intensity. So, over the next year, people are going to do things that they think are right, heedless of whatever harm their actions might cause. With Mars in Leo the desire for recognition will be a noticeable drive. People will want to show how effective they are in all they do. We will have the energy to make sure that everyone takes note of our accomplishments. Pluto is in Aquarius with Venus. We may expect to restructure society during this year, because the last time Pluto was in Aquarius began in early 1777, just after a new nation had been born. We will need to become aware of the evolution of humanity through technology – from its innovation to its abuse.
The Word of the Day is FORWARD. Obstacles no longer restrain our achievements, as we spring to action.
The Color of the Day is CHERRY. (It’s bright red!) Engage the energy of Mars, the planet of vitality wearing cherry red.
Venus will be entering the sign Pisces for a stay until February 4. Venus’ transit of Pisces gives a loving, caring quality to our relationships. People will become less abrupt and more thoughtful than they had been. We may wonder why we found people or things attractive over the past few weeks, because now we may not like them anymore. But Pisces sees the best in everyone, and we may find ourselves so emotionally attached to things we simply can’t let go. While Venus is changing signs, the Moon will be void-of-course in Aquarius for 11 hours. We should use this time to gather our thoughts.
The Word of the Day is SKEW. We could look at things from a different prospective today to see new ways to get what we want. It will not only be profitable, but gratifying.
The Color of the Day is CEIL. (It’s pale, blue/gray.) Call excitement to our love lives by wearing the color ceil today.
Whenever Venus is a prominent force in our day, we strive a bit harder to get what we want. Today, Venus is in aspect to both Mars and Pluto. Because Pluto is the planet that likes to take control of things, we should be aware that others will want to direct our behavior – or maybe they should be aware that we might want to direct them! The Venus/Mars aspect to will be adding an additional spur to the attainment of our desires. We should take care not to overpower the objects of our affections. An additional angle from angle from Mercury to Uranus may show us that our opinions or conclusions may be flawed. The Moon in Pisces may make the path unclear but will smooth the atmosphere.
The Word of the Day is SKID. Slowing our velocity may help control the direction of our day.
The Color of the Day is NEON GREEN. (It’s bright green.) Dream big! Wear neon green today to bring those dreams closer to reality!
The Sun will be making angles to both Saturn and Neptune that will guide our day. The Sun/ Neptune aspect is an unusual one that causes thoughts to come to our minds that we should not overlook. Our inner vision is sparked by moments of perception that will give us insights that will zero in on the course that will lead us to fulfillment of our current quests. The Sun/Saturn aspect influences us to do our best work and gives us the ability to care for our responsibilities more easily than usual. And, since the Moon is still traveling through Pisces, we should pay attention to our thoughts and dreams, and the feelings we get about how we should respond to situations that arise.
The Word of the Day is RESPONSIVE. Insightful thoughts enter our minds and we can respond in ways that carry us out of a fog.
The Color of the Day is CITRINE. (It’s clear, golden yellow.) Indulge in daydreams! Wearing a bit of the color citrine will inspire our spirituality and happiness today.
As the Mars/Pluto opposition begins to fade today, we begin to gain tolerance. Impatience subsides as we begin to feel a bit more in control. With an 4.5 hour void-of-course period, the Moon will be transiting from the dreamy sign Pisces to the forceful Aries, which cause a sharp turn in the atmosphere today. Also, the Sun and Mercury will be making contacts with stars to influence our day. Mercury is affiliated with the star Aculeus, which may cause some hurtful communications. If we overlook gossip and rise above whatever stings we may sustain, we will emerge strengthened and contented. Not only that, but the Sun will be affiliated with a star that will sprinkle our day with sparkle, vivacity and magic! All we have to do is to expect that situations won’t be the same as they were yesterday.
The Word of the Day is VERVE. Celebrate vitality today!
The Color of the Day is SUNBURST. (It’s a golden orange.) Embrace life force today by wearing something in the color sunburst!
Mars is returning to the sign it was in before it went retrograde. It had been in Leo for the past two months and is now traveling back to Cancer. Its time in Leo boosted peoples’ self-respect and pride, but now in the sign Cancer, we become more compassionate and less self-centered. Mars will travel through Cancer until April 17. For today, although the Moon will be in Aries, the sign that likes to initiate action, our paths may be clouded by a Mercury/Neptune angle that will challenge us to keep our focus. Nonetheless, the travels of the Sun and Venus will add an element of evenness and stability to the day, while urging us to make an extra effort for the things and people we care about.
The Word of the Day is BESTOW. We get great satisfaction by dreaming about how we can create better lives.
The Color of the Day is CINNABAR. (It’s deep red.) We could liven up our day, attracting today’s astrological forces, by wearing the color cinnabar.
Within the next 24 hours Mercury will be changing signs, but before it does it will be in aspect to Mars. Our minds work a bit out of sync with our bodies today while they are at an angle to each other where they don’t quite see eye-to-eye. Our thoughts may race ahead, while our bodies are stuck in slow gear, or conversely, we may plunge ahead before thinking. The ways we react to situations may be engrained in our response systems. This will be a perfect day to try to change the old tired methods that may have resulted in frustration, and think of new ways to get the most out of situations. The Moon will be changing signs from energetic Aries to the more presentable Taurus.
The Word of the Day is DIFFERENTIATE. We’ll have to pause to make sure that we do and say the right things today.
The Color of the Day is WHITE PEPPER. (It’s off-white.) Keep our minds quick and sharp today, wearing something in the color of white pepper!
Mercury, the planet that travels closely to the Sun, has lagged behind it, and will be entering Capricorn today for a stay until January 27. This transit focuses our thoughts on responsibilities, work, and setting our lives in order. This is the time of the year when we can best strategize for the accomplishment of our goals. However, for today we should try to be careful of what we say, because our words might come back to hurt us. On the day that Mercury changes signs, misunderstandings can happen. But, with the Moon’s travels through Taurus, whatever takes place shouldn’t throw us off balance. We don’t want any progress damaged, so if we employ compassion, we will feel accomplished!
The Word of the Day is APPLY. Body and mind work together to plan for success!
The Color of the Day is MAPLE. (It’s golden brown.) Our mental capabilities are heightened today. Wearing the color maple today will enhance the experience.
Now that Mercury has entered the business-like sign Capricorn, it is going to be at an angle to Pluto today. Mercury rules our intelligence and our communications. Situations arise that we’ll have to talk about with other people so we can figure out how to resolve them. The answers may challenge our opinions and ideas of what we need to do in order to progress. Boosting that effect, the Sun will square Chiron today. This will make us more aware of the things we have to get over or to find a way to handle effectively. When the Moon changes signs from Taurus to Gemini, we’ll find that conversations and ideas come more easily than they had over the past couple of days.
The Word of the Day is CONDENSE. Concentrated thoughts and communications color our day, making our activities precise and our ideas determined.
The Color of the Day is FLINT. (It’s stone gray.) Conversations thrive with significance today. Wear the color of flint to encourage hope.
We’re going to use our intuition today to guide us through what might be a fogged path with a new angle between Mars and Neptune. It’ll be fun to spend some time in exploration of whatever direction we take ourselves in. Since Mars is retrograde and will continue in that apparent reverse motion until the end of February, we take time to look back over physical projects we’ve taken on and actions we’ve made, and review what we’ve been successful at and what we’ve struggled with. It’s best not to venture into something new at this time until we’ve sorted out how things worked in the past. The Moon, in the information-gathering sign Gemini, will help us out.
The Word of the Day is DIVERT. Creative paths guide the day.
The Color of the Day is PINK GRAPEFRUIT. (It’s light, refreshing pink.) Glitter, wearing the color of pink grapefruit today.
Fortunately for us it is going to take yesterday’s Mars/Neptune aspect a while to separate. It will be a day to make use of our creative talents, enjoying music, art, and things we can construct with our hands. Mars is also going to be at an angle to Jupiter over the next couple of days that will present us with ideas that we may think we can’t accomplish. Even though Mars is retrograde, we still have to get things done, so if we take the chance and plunge into it, we’ll create the foundation to project ourselves into the next exciting phase of our development. The Moon will be moving into the project-initiating sign Cancer.
The Word of the Day is MULL. Stop to think about what we want to do or learn next.
The Color of the Day is ROSEMARY. (It’s a muted, medium green.) Wearing the color of the herb rosemary today will give us greater ability to absorb the nuances of life.
We’ll have an exciting day while the Sun and Uranus make an important angle to each other that will pull us out of whatever fog we’ve wanted to break through the past few weeks. It would be a wonderful day to either go out and do something adventurous or to involve our thoughts in something unusual that is not typical of the way that we spend our time. People seem to understand this and each others’ needs to vary the way we look and act. Our drives to work independently will also increase today. The Moon has entered Cancer, the sign of tomorrow’s Full Moon. This will give us the initiative to put caring touches on the things we do.
The Word of the Day is HEIGHTEN. Take our growth to new pinnacles of satisfaction!
The Color of the Day is ELECTRIC BLUE. (It’s brilliant neon blue.) Let the energy of today’s pulse permeate our thoughts and actions by wearing a bit of electric blue.
There’ll be a Full Moon today when the Moon in Cancer opposes the Sun in Capricorn. This means that we’ll find ourselves deeply involved in responsibility to family members. Our obligation to them will compete with business demands. Because of the Full Moon, we will want to finish up existing projects today and tomorrow, so that we can start thinking about clearing the way for new activities. Capricorn is the conscientious worker of the zodiac and it will help us keep our focus. The sign Cancer will ensure that everything is ready to grow properly. This Full Moon is in aspect to Uranus, which makes us daring and guides us to do something atypical over the next couple of weeks.
The Word of the Day is REQUIRE. Family responsibilities and other obligations restrict our leisure time today, but we’ll feel more fulfilled if we get things done.
The Color of the Day is ONION. (It’s yellowish white.) Capture the translucent, vigorous effects of today’s horoscope by wearing the color of onion.
Venus, the planet that presides over our relationships, guides our day with angles to Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus. If we don’t push ourselves too hard at work this can be a pleasant time, because the Venus/Jupiter angle urges us to take it easy and indulge ourselves in the pleasures of life. However, today’s Venus/Mars aspect may cause a disruption in a relationship or make us overly attracted to something or someone that really isn’t to our benefit to pursue. But the short-lived angle to Uranus will give us a power burst today. We’ll be able to extract the one piece of information that we need to proceed with our plans, possibly with help from another person.
The Word of the Day is SEQUENCE. Following an inspired path creates success today!
The Color of the Day is OLD GOLD. (It’s a muted shade of gold.) Forge ahead with strength from the past, wearing something in old gold.
People become more assertive today as the Sun has moved into opposition to Mars. The atmosphere is more confrontational with people openly challenging those whom they might not normally dispute. Nonetheless, we should grab any opportunity that comes our way today, while Mars comes in contact with a star that will give us short-lived chances for fame or fortune! While that’s happening, the Moon will be void-of-course for an extraordinarily long time. No matter what we plan, there may be a snag or two we have to deal with. But since it will be in the sign Leo, we’ll feel confident in veering away from what we had intended to do. The void-of-course Moon suggests that we prepare to make adjustments to perfect our lives.
The Word of the Day is JUMBLE. Our thoughts and actions are like falling leaves today. Let go of regiment and enjoy the patterns and colors the day has to offer.
The Color of the Day is PARAKEET YELLOW. (It’s lighter than canary.) Flutter through this day by wearing something in the color of a parakeet.
The Sun will be making a minor, yet important angle to Jupiter that will last for today only. This will give us energy to get what we want. We’re going to have to go after whatever it is, and will find our paths cleared so that we can proceed in whatever direction we need to go in. It will be a day during which satisfaction will be attained by capitalizing on opportunities as they present themselves. However, with Mercury also making an angle to Jupiter, which may make us stop and consider the consequences of things that have been said, we slow our pace to verify our directions. This will be assisted by the Moon’s travels through the exacting sign, Virgo.
The Word of the Day is INSPECT. Before making any big moves, we should make sure of the direction we want to go in.
The Color of the Day is HEATHER. (It’s muted purple.) Wearing the color of heather today will keep our minds open to options.
Manifestation of spirit increases and has been permeating the atmosphere throughout this week! The Sun and the intuitive planet, Neptune are at an angle that will bring us abilities to see the beauty of things we dream up. We’ll revel in the splendor of our surroundings. Saturn and Pluto are also making an angle of note. Saturn tries to keep structure and Pluto likes to transform things to work better for us. So, we may feel as though we have to let go of something that had been a constant in our lives in order to grow. With the Moon in Virgo, we’ll be a little bit more discerning than usual. We may be quite detailed about the changes we want to make.
The Word of the Day is TWIRL. Solutions can be found by taking the rough edges out of situations.
The Color of the Day is LEMON QUARTZ. (It’s rich, clear yellow.) Wear the color of the gemstone, lemon quartz today to show strength through kindness.
This is going to be a rather unique day because Venus will conjunct Saturn, which only happens about once a year and usually lasts no more than two days. This makes us more aware of our accountability to those we love (which includes people, things, and situations). We decide where our responsibilities should and should not lie. Thoughts and communications will carry more substance than usual, while we figure out better ways to manage our time. Mercury’s angle to this conjunction makes us want to think about pleasant things, and have nice conversations with people. We want to do things in the most comfortable manner possible. The Moon will be moving from the meticulous Virgo to the friendly Libra.
The Word of the Day is DISENTANGLE. Relationships (whether with people or things) are what make the world go ‘round, and when we get too tied up we suffocate. Today’s Venus positions will help us gently remove binds that are knotted too tightly.
The Color of the Day is AUBURN. (It’s dark burnished brown.) Wearing a bit of auburn today will draw what we need to resolve issues.
The Sun enters the sign Aquarius today for its month’s stay! The resolutions we made for the New Year struggle to stay in our minds as soon as the Sun leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. With an Aquarian influence over the next month we seek adventure and freedom from binding ties. We embrace innovation and new ways to go about exploring our world. It’s a refreshing time of the year, and one during which we can build upon the foundations we created while the Sun was in Capricorn. We’ll enjoy adventure and the very uniqueness of each of us over the next month. For today, the ongoing Mercury/Venus aspect makes it easier for us to articulate what we want and expect.
The Word of the Day is IGNITE. Use a spark of energy to keep things rolling today!
The Color of the Day is LIGHTNING BOLT WHITE. (It’s vibrant white.) Inspire ourselves with ideas that motivate our lives by wearing lightning bolt white.
Once a year the Sun conjuncts Pluto for about 24 hours. This year, today and tomorrow will encompass that time period. This will increase our desire and passion to get what we want, creating intensity in our lives. A good way to deal with this is to harness control of situations and whatever it is that concerns us. The Sun, newly established in Aquarius, will be in an aspect to Saturn today, which urges us to take responsibility. Many times people work beyond their capacity during this transit, so we should know when to say ‘enough is enough’. The Moon will be void-of-course for nearly 12 hours today while traveling from the outgoing sign Libra to the more inward sign Scorpio.
The Word of the Day is COMMENCE. Getting started with progressive plans is today’s focus!
The Color of the Day is ONYX. (It’s black with glimmer.) Wear onyx to harness some of today’s power and control.
The Sun begins to separate from its conjunction with Pluto today, even though the effect is as strong as it was yesterday. Thus, the intense feeling from yesterday prevails throughout today. People will be giving a lot of thought to what they want to get out of their day, their month, their year. We’ll become passionate about our aspirations. The Sun/Pluto conjunction will be in aspect to the star Altair. This pushes us to think beyond our usual scopes of influence. We begin considering how we can be daring enough to make extreme adjustments. Mars is also in aspect to a star. We want to stay alert, and not be dissuaded from the best ways to reach our goals.
The Word of the Day is INVESTIGATE. Search for answers today.
The Color of the Day is LIGHT GRAY. (It’s a soft gray.) Wear something in the color light gray to get the most out of the day’s explorations!
There is a fabulous angle between Mars and Uranus today that will give us a day of surprises and unexpected opportunities to fulfill ourselves with the things we aspire to! Working with that, Venus is in an aspect to the asteroid, Chiron today, reinforcing our efforts to make everyone safe. In the background, the Moon is continuing its transit of Scorpio, so we’re going to look at things a bit more deeply today, and try to uncover anything might become a deterrent to the progress we want to make. We’ll want to do whatever it takes to satisfy our curiosities. There are no major guides occupying “fire signs” today, which means that we lack impulse and spontaneity.
The Word of the Day is CURE. We slow our pace and take some deep breaths today.
The Color of the Day is BOTTLE GREEN. (It’s glossy medium green.) Wear the color of bottle green to capture the essence of today’s powers.
Yesterday’s Mars/Uranus sextile will continue gaining momentum because of an aspect to it from Mercury. Not only will we be thinking about new ways to improve our positions, but we’re going to dream up the means to succeed. Mercury and Mars will be on opposite sides of the sky today, each planet trying to exert its own influence. Mercury will want us to take our time and think things through, while Mars urges us to get going. Energy will not necessarily be wasted in struggle, however because compromises can be reached that will benefit our direction. We’ll find easier ways to get things done today. Freeing ourselves from ties may be foremost in our thoughts.
The Word of the Day is ENCOMPASS. We are offered opportunities to gather ideas that will benefit all today.
The Color of the Day is TITANIUM. (It’s iridescent!) Various colors reflect a variety of stimulations today. It all depends on our point of view and goals. By wearing the color of the metal titanium, we ensure that we will benefit from all that the day has to offer!
This active week starts winding down as the Mars/Uranus aspect begins to separate. Since Mars has been being affected by the star Pollux, the “evil twin,” of Gemini, we want to make sure that we don’t take any missteps and fumble our progress. Saturn and Pluto are also making an angle of note. Saturn tries to keep structure and Pluto likes to transform things to work better for us. So we may feel as though we have to let go of something that had been a constant in our lives in order to grow. As Pluto continues its affiliation with the star Altair, we begin considering how we can be daring enough to make extreme adjustments.
The Word of the Day is AMEND. Becoming aware of and adjusting to changes influences our day.
The Color of the Day is MINK. (It’s soft dark brown.) We can more easily adapt to uncomfortable changes by wearing a little or a lot of the color mink today.
Mercury and Jupiter will make us feel busy today and worried that we won’t be able to get everything done, but we can’t get everything done every day. Today will be a good time for setting priorities and accomplishing what we can. However, we’re in luck because a Venus/Mars angle will make things easier to achieve today. Venus shows how we relate and the things that make us comfortable. Mars shows how we expend our energies and how we take action. Venus and Mars working in harmony over the next couple of days will help us to attract pleasurable experiences, enjoying newfound amusements. The Moon will be in Sagittarius throughout the day, pushing us forward with good intentions.
The Word of the Day is WARM. Calm concerns with today’s refreshing atmosphere of stimulating cheerfulness!
The Color of the Day is RED SPINEL. (It’s a sparkling mauve.) We bring consciousness to a higher level today if we wear something in the color of the red spinel gemstone.
Mercury and Neptune are traveling through the last couple of degrees of their signs, and are in an aspect to each other today that will create a time when inklings gnaw at the backs of our minds, and we may or may not have the words to back up thoughts we want to express. But, we can rely on our intuition to guide us, because Mercury is the planet that rules our intelligence and Neptune is the planet that rules our subconscious. There’ll be moments throughout the day today when we can take a glimpse inside at what we perceive to be our own identities and be able to direct ourselves away from whatever may be thwarting us. This is because of an unusual angle between the Sun and the asteroid, Chiron.
The Word of the Day is TEMPERANCE. Taking care of things we know how to grow will be the easiest way to spend our day.
The Color of the Day is INDIGO BUNTING. (It’s the little songbird’s deep blue.) Mystic belief is that the Indigo Bunting represents wisdom and spiritual realization. Enhance ourselves today by wearing some of this blue color!
Mercury will be changing signs today (which it does nearly as often as the Sun). Mercury controls our intelligence and the sign that it is in tells our mode of thinking. Mercury is entering Aquarius today for a stay until February 14. Between now and then the Aquarian influence will spur us into thinking that we need to make innovative changes in our lives. But on the day that it changes signs, things can get confusing. Communications will be unclear, and misinterpretations and misunderstandings may occur today. Nonetheless, today’s atmosphere will be controlled because the Moon in Capricorn makes us more accountable and conscientious. We learn through experience when the sign Capricorn is prominent in our day.
The Word of the Day is BRAINSTORM. Thinking up modernizations and ways to rejuvenate our lives is a direct effect of today’s horoscope.
The Color of the Day is PEACOCK FEATHER PURPLE. (It’s purple iridescent.) The twinkle of a peacock feather attracts the energy of innovation and individuality to our lives today.
Both the Moon and Mercury will be passing by Pluto today, on the way to tomorrow’s New Moon. We’ll feel the need to harness control of our situations and whatever else concerns us. Our thoughts will be clear and strong, and our communications will be effective. Throughout the day, we’ll be stimulated to take action to make our lives more interesting, while Mars is heads toward a joining of forces with the star, Castor. Also, the Sun and Venus are approaching an angle to each other that will last over the next week. This will urge us to clear up any rough relationship problems. If we remember to listen with tact, honesty, and consideration, we may be pleasantly surprised at the progress we make.
The Word of the Day is ABSORB. Occupy time today doing things that will give us the most satisfaction.
The Color of the Day is HONEY. (It’s golden brown.) Wear something in the color of honey today to call in the effects of unwavering interest given us by our astrological guides.
The Sun and Moon join together today to form a NEW MOON in Aquarius! With hard-working, dutiful, Capricorn behind us, we will begin to feel the effects of Aquarius more fully. The practical, earthy forces have been left behind and we begin to find wings to fly. The New Moon signifies a time to set 28-day goals for renewing ourselves, and in Aquarius, the goals will be unusual and exciting! For today, the Mercury/Pluto conjunction will be affiliated with the star Altair. The influence that this casts is one of conviction and fearlessness in conversations and writings. With Mercury, Pluto and the Sun and Moon all in Aquarius, it will be a day of daring, bold innovation!
The Word of the Day is ADVANCE. Insight, reformation, and coincidence work together today with this month’s New Moon! Exhilaration from new ideas pushes us forward!
The Color of the Day is PLATINUM. (It’s a bit lighter than silver.) Wearing something in the color of platinum (or platinum itself) will add adventure to our day!
Uranus has changed directions (optical illusion) and gone direct! It has been retrograde for about a half of a year. The effect of Uranus direct is that we will have chances to advance our progress through life through events that occur and through exhilarating ideas that come to us. We will be more open to exciting changes while Uranus is direct, especially if it transits one of our personal planets. For today, the Moon will be void-of-course for nearly 12 hours in Aquarius, the sign ruled by the newly direct Uranus. It directs innovation and desire to do things differently. During this void-of-course period we should let our minds wander freely without the restrictions of schedules and appointments.
The Word of the Day is NOVELTY. We begin to dream up unique self-expressions.
The Color of the Day is ASPEN. (It’s white with light gray flecks.) Wear something in the color of the stately, yet graceful aspen tree today to free ourselves from limitations.
A beautiful aspect will cast a happy influence over the next couple of days. That is Sun trine Jupiter. It will be a lucky time for socializing with groups of people with Sun in the avant-garde sign Aquarius trine Jupiter in the friendly sign Libra. Stimulating conversations and general optimism pervade with friends and acquaintances. We want to break free of old ways of doing things while we blur the lines. Today the Moon will be in Pisces. It’s not an innovative sign, but one that sees beyond outdated beliefs and disperses our energies in various imaginative directions. A prominent Venus/Neptune conjunction will cast a loving, spiritually-enhanced atmosphere over the next couple of days.
The Word of the Day is BEND. Looking at things from a more engaging perspective can show us how light refracts in different ways.
The Color of the Day is SCARAB. (It’s gem-like sage green.) Enjoy a day of delights by wearing the color of scarabs.